Class Rules & Expectations

Class Rules

Listen & follow directions.  Be engaged. (No cell phones)

-Looking at teacher or classmate during a class discussion, processing  information, writing or typing quietly alone or talking with a partner during paired work, moving and talking appropriately during group work.

-Staying on task.  Working steadily.

-Phone is completely away (in backpack or pocket).  No earbuds, airpods, or earphones, etc. in ears.  Completely away.

-Not: Rushing through work, talking to others unless assigned, yelling out, making random noises

Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

-Once the bell rings, raise your hand to speak unless you have been assigned to talk with a partner or group--while the teacher is talking, during a class discussion, and during independent work.

-If you need to go to your backpack, sharpen your pencil, or get any others supplies, raise your hand to request permission from the teacher.

Keep your hands & feet to yourself.

-Take care of your belongings.

-Not: Touching, hitting, tripping, distracting anyone else, taking or getting into others’ belongings

Respect your classmates, teacher, and classroom.

-Think of others as valuable, interesting, and unique individuals. Be considerate of their feelings, time, focus, and needs. Speak kindly.

-Ask questions politely.

-Offer help when opportunities arise. Take care of items you use.  Put iPads in the correct number slot and plug them in. Return them appropriately.

-Be careful of facial expressions.

-Throwing away trash.

-Not: Writing on desks, etc, blurting out, saying unkind things, interrupting, swearing, leaving out notebook or chromebook, throwing anything, coming late and being loud, touching anyone or their belongings, using your phone, leaving in earbuds 


1st time rule is broken: Warning | just a friendly reminder

2nd time rule is broken: Think Chair | to get power back

3rd time rule is broken: Skills Room | for coaching 

4th time rule is broken: Parent Contact | for extra help

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